关键词:LAQ访谈录,有效测试,有效使用,启示," />
从有效测试到有效使用:《语言评测季刊》十年名家访谈录启示" />
从有效测试到有效使用:《语言评测季刊》十年名家访谈录启示" />
From Valid Test to Valid Test Use: Enlightment from Interviews to Masters of Language Testing in LAQ over the Last Decade" />
Key Words: LAQ interviews,valid test,valid test use,implication,"/>
<div style="line-height: 150%">从有效测试到有效使用:《语言评测季刊》十年名家访谈录启示</div>
Abstract: This article reviews all the LAQ (Language Assessment Quarterly) interviews to with leading language assessment experts over the last decade, through which three main characteristics and trends of language testing research and practice over the last half a century are identified: (a) the uniformity of language ability standards, (b) the institutionalization and inter-disciplinary features of test development, and (c) the shift of research focus from valid test to valid test use and its social impact. It also offers implications for the construction of language ability standards, test development and test use within Chinese context.