摘要摘要:本文运用跨语言比较的类型学分析方法考察英汉双及物构式,通过大量的语料数据从两个层面(语义、形式)的四个维度(生命度、指称、构式义方向、语序)对英汉双及物构式的类型特征进行考察。语料证据显示,英汉双及物构式在这四个维度上存在等级序列,即施事、接受者、来源倾向于“有生”(有生>无生,该优势可以进一步细化为人>无生命事物>动物),在指称上倾向于有定(有定>无定),受事指称上倾向于无定(无定>有定);受事传递方向倾向于右向(右向>左向>双向);在语序上倾向于NP1 V NP2 NP3 > NP1 V NP3 NP2)。分析发现,施事、接受者、来源的生命梯度受认知视角转换的影响,施事、接受者、来源以及受事的指称梯度与信息传递原则密切相关,构式义方向梯度受认知处理过程影响,语序梯度与距离象似性原则有关。本文的研究进一步验证了生命度、指称、语序等语言共性,又发掘了双及物构式在这些维度上的个性。
Abstract:Abstract: This research takes a cross-linguistic typological perspective and analyzes a relatively large quantity of data drawn from two corpora to study the typological features of English and Chinese ditransitive construction, such as animacy, reference, direction of construction meaning and word order. The results reveal that a hierarchical sequence is found in these four dimensions. As to agent, recipient and source, there is a tendency to be “animate” (animate> inanimate, the hierarchy can be further sequenced, i.e. man> lifeless thing> animal). As to reference, the general tendency is to be “definite” (definite> indefinite), while the patient tends to be “indefinite” (definite > indefinite) and the direction tends to be right [Unidirectional (Right>Left)> Bidirectional]. In terms of word order, the sequence formed is NP1 V NP2 NP3 (NP1 V NP2 NP3> NP1 V NP3 NP2). A further analysis indicates that the change of cognitive perspective leads to the violation of animacy hierarchy. The principle of information transmission determines the sequence of the reference
hierarchy, and the cognitive processing influences the direction of construction meaning. And finally, word order is affected by iconicity principle. The study not only provides some further evidences of typological features such as animacy, reference and word order, shared by English and Chinese language, but also reveals the dimensional uniqueness of ditransitive construction.