Abstract:Abstract: Based on Input Hypothesis, Input Enhancement and the Affective Filter Hypothesis, this paper employed the framework of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to construct a User Model and a Rejecter Model to identify factors that influence attitudes towards EFL listening APPs. Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) technique was the major tool for data analysis. It was found that Performance Expectations, Perceived Resources, and Perceived Playfulness were the most significant factors in the User Model and that Performance Expectations was the only factor in the Rejecter Model. Moreover, qualitative data of the two groups’ reasons were also collected to verify results of the models. The rationales provided by the User group were consistent with the the User Model; while apart from factors given in the Rejecter Model, Self-management was also identified as a contributing factor. Finally, Grade and gender were found to be the moderating factors in the two models respectively. The study is among the first attempts to take the rejecters into consideration and has significant implications for designing listening APPs and curriculum within the 5G technology context.
Key words: EFL listening APPs; input enhancement; influencing factors; user model; rejecter model