Abstract:Abstract:In Systemic Functional Grammar, there are mainly two views about group types, which are respectively presented by the Sydney Grammar and the Cardiff Grammar. Through an investigation of the two models, the Cardiff Grammar is found having more advantages in describing groups owing to its succinctness in semantic orientation and conciseness in grammar description. However, there also remain some inadequacies in dealing with certain group types in the Cardiff Grammar. In view of this, this paper adheres to the principle of “meaning is primary and form realizes meaning”, and reclassifies the English and Chinese groups into the nominal group (including clusters), quality group, quantity group, conjunction group, prepositional group and prepositional phrase at the same rank. This new classification of groups is primarily based on the Cardiff Grammar and partly draws upon the Sydney Grammar, retaining the distinction between group and phrase, disposing of the controversial category of verbal group, and effectively merges and specifies the original group types.
Key words:Sydney Grammar; Cardiff Grammar; group types