摘要摘要:本文对传教士译者李提摩太1913年翻译出版的首部《西游记》 (A Mission to Heaven: A Great Chinese Epic and Allegory) 英译单行本中采取的译者主体性策略进行了描写翻译学中的“描写-解释”研究。结果发现,译者在翻译过程中因为受到历史、宗教和社会的影响,在面对原作者、赞助人和读者群时呈现出自发性、目的性和限制性,其个人经历、人生理想和宗教信仰对翻译策略产生了巨大的影响,在翻译中体现了译者“援佛入耶”的宗教观和“文化适应”的翻译观。
Abstract:Abstract: This paper adopts a descriptive-explanatory approach of translation study to investigate the translator’s subjectivity strategy in the first separate edition of English translation of Xi You Ji (A Mission to Heaven: A Great Chinese Epic and Allegory) by a missionary translator Timothy Richard in 1913. The analysis reveals that owing to factors of history, religion and society, the relationship between the translator and the three subjects, the author, the sponsor and the readers in translation, is characterized by self-motivation, purposefulness and restrictiveness. The translator’s life experience, life expectation and religious belief all produce great influence on the translation strategies he adopted and in forming his religious and translation views---interpreting Buddhism with Christian ideas and cultural adaptation.