Foreign Language and Their Teaching
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        2016 No. 06  Published: 15 December 2016
1 A Political Linguistic Study of “Crimea” as the Language Consciousness Image: With Special Reference to Putin’s Address to the Federal Assembly
2016 Vol. 01 (06): 1- [Abstract] ( 906 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1521 KB)  ( 933 )
12 A Pragmatic Analysis of Evidentiality for Media Information Construction in the Crisis Context
2016 Vol. 01 (06): 12- [Abstract] ( 244 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 110 )
22 The Discursive Constructions of Social Ideal in Modern Chinese History: A Study on Articles Collected in Two Journal Databases of Late Qing and Republic Era
2016 Vol. 01 (06): 22- [Abstract] ( 177 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 119 )
31 The View of Political Geography and Space-Time Narrative in Cross-border Japanese Modernism Poetry: Based on Fuyue Anzai’s Poetry 
2016 Vol. 01 (06): 31- [Abstract] ( 156 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 115 )
A Contrastive Study of the Chinese and American Political Apology Speech Acts
A Contrastive Study of the Chinese and American Political Apology Speech Acts[J]. 外语与外语教学, 2016,01(06): 42-')" href="#">
2016 Vol. 01 (06): 42- [Abstract] ( 126 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 106 )
Effects of Output Task Type and Word Imageability on EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Acquisition
Effects of Output Task Type and Word Imageability on EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Acquisition[J]. 外语与外语教学, 2016,01(06): 56-')" href="#">
2016 Vol. 01 (06): 56- [Abstract] ( 124 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 113 )
The Effects of Pre-task Planning and On-line Planning on L2 Written Linguistic Performance in Timed Writing
The Effects of Pre-task Planning and On-line Planning on L2 Written Linguistic Performance in Timed Writing[J]. 外语与外语教学, 2016,01(06): 66-')" href="#">
2016 Vol. 01 (06): 66- [Abstract] ( 107 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 115 )
75 Research on Chinese EFL Learners’ Online Processing of Subject-verb Agreement
Research on Chinese EFL Learners’ Online Processing of Subject-verb Agreement[J]. 外语与外语教学, 2016,01(06): 75-')" href="#">
2016 Vol. 01 (06): 75- [Abstract] ( 120 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 123 )
On Translation of Chinese Culture-Specific Items
On Translation of Chinese Culture-Specific Items[J]. 外语与外语教学, 2016,01(06): 87-')" href="#">
2016 Vol. 01 (06): 87- [Abstract] ( 190 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 114 )
94 A Comparable Corpus Based Investigation into the Cohesive Explicitation of Translational English
2016 Vol. 01 (06): 94- [Abstract] ( 127 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 131 )
103 “Thick Translation”: How Thick Could It Be?
2016 Vol. 01 (06): 103- [Abstract] ( 305 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 116 )
A Study on Multi-dimensional Relationships among Retranslations: A Case Study of The Old Man and the Sea
A Study on Multi-dimensional Relationships among Retranslations: A Case Study of The Old Man and the Sea[J]. 外语与外语教学, 2016,01(06): 113-')" href="#">
2016 Vol. 01 (06): 113- [Abstract] ( 99 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 103 )
On the Name and Nature of Transcreation
On the Name and Nature of Transcreation[J]. 外语与外语教学, 2016,01(06): 123-')" href="#">
2016 Vol. 01 (06): 123- [Abstract] ( 121 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 119 )
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