A Data-Based Descriptive Study on C-E Translation of Culture-Loaded Words: A Case Study of Thousand Pieces of Gold
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母语为英语的华裔作家多以华人生活或华人历史为背景进行文学创作,他们的文学创作呈现出一种用英语表达中国社会文化的‘翻译性’,是一种用母语表达目的语文化的一种文学创作,涉及到英语母语和目的语汉语两种语言的转换。鉴于这种特殊性,本研究以Ruthanne Lum McCunn的英文原版小说Thousand Pieces of Gold(《千金》) 作为研究文本,结合语料对作品中汉语文化负载词的英语表达规律进行描述分析来探讨汉语文化负载词的英译策略。
Chinese American writers tend to depict the lives of overseas Chinese or set their stories in Chinese cultural background. Their literary works, therefore, involve an effort to describe Chinese culture in English and acquire a characteristic of translation concerning the bilingual shift between mother tongue and target language, which is kind of literary creation that describes a foreign culture in their mother tongue. Given this uniqueness of Chinese American creative writing, this paper sets out to make an analysis of the textual data collected from Ruthanne Lum McCunn’s English biographical novel Thousand Pieces of Gold and describe their English expression patterns to explore the strategies for Chinese-English translation of culture-loaded words.
A Data-Based Descriptive Study on C-E Translation of Culture-Loaded Words: A Case Study of Thousand Pieces of Gold[J]. Language Education, 2015, 3(1): 71-75