By employing CiteSpace, a new scientometric tool, this paper selects 173 articles published during 2014-2017 as data source from CNKI within foreign language character disciplines. The paper retrieves the keywords and adopts co-word analysis in an attempt to analyze the relations between keywords and to draw the mapping knowledge domains based on the frequency and centrality of the keywords and etc. This paper analyzes and sums up the relevant researches of“the Belt and Road” initiative within foreign language character disciplines of recent four years from the distribution characteristics of research institutions and the research focuses and fronts. By using the information visualization technology to draw the mapping knowledge domains, it helps us to understand the research status and development trends and provides directional guidance for such research.
A CiteSpace-based Visualized Analysis of
the Theses on“the Belt and Road”Within
the Foreign Language and Literature Disciplines
[J]. Language Education, 2018, 6(2): 41-46