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The Relations Between English and Chinese Adversativity and Contrastiveness: Their Explication in Light of a Semantic Map
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摘要 摘要:“转折”与“对比”概念间的关系错综复杂,学界缺乏系统的梳理,致使二者使用混乱。鉴于此,作者以英汉语典型实例为例证,通过广义与狭义、典型与非典型的概念区分对两者关系加以细致的梳理与总结,并借助语义地图分析了“转折”与“对比”泛化的语义联系与区别以及广义的转折与对比标记的多义和多功能现象,作者发现该语义地图类型学上的蕴涵假设在英汉两种语言中可得以验证。研究表明,有转折必有对比,而有对比不一定有转折,两个概念广义上具有重合性,但其典型概念意义存在差异。
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关键词 关键词:转折对比因果违逆反预期语义地图    
Abstract:Abstract: As linguistic circles have few studies probing into the intricate connections between the concepts of “advesativity” and “contrastiveness”, much confusion about the usage of the two has been resulted from the situation. Therefore, taking typical sentences from English and Chinese as examples, the author of this article conducts a detailed study on the relations between the two concepts by distinguishing them in terms of their broad and narrow sense, typical and atypical sense. In addition, a semantic map is provided to shed light on the connections and differences among all the extended semantic items covered by adversativity and contrastiveness as well as on the multi-meaning and multifunctions of adversative and contrastive markers in their broad sense. The analysis reveals that the typological entailment hypothesis under the semantic map can be verified in both English and Chinese. This indicates that the scope of adversativity must entail that of contrastiveness, but not necessarily vice versa, and that the two concepts share similarities in their broad sense but differ in their typical conceptual meaning.
Key wordsKey words: adversativity;contrastiveness;cause-effect denial;counter-expectation    semantic map
谭方方. 英汉“转折”与“对比”的关系及其语义地图解释[J]. 外语与外语教学, 2016, 01(03): 48-.
TAN FANGFANG. The Relations Between English and Chinese Adversativity and Contrastiveness: Their Explication in Light of a Semantic Map. Foreign Language and Their Teaching, 2016, 01(03): 48-.
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