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邓巧玲 李福印
An Empirical Study of Reverse Conceptual Transfer in Chinese EFL Learners’ Verbalization of Motion Event in Mandarin
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摘要 摘要:本研究以概念迁移理论和词汇化模式理论为基础,以运动事件言语表征为切入点,实证考察了外语环境下英语学习对中国英语学习者汉语言语表达的反向概念迁移影响。结果显示:1)由于概念储存和概念组织模式的差异,汉语单语者更多单独使用路径动词和指示动词表达路径概念,英语学习者在表达方式概念时更加频繁地使用副词修饰方式动词,或者对方式动词进行描述说明,起点、中介、终点及总体背景信息的使用频率更高;2)由于中国英语学习者仍处于外语环境中,思维模式并没有发生迁移,在表达背景信息时,很少将起点和终点合并到一个分句中,而且会借助于静态描述弥补背景信息的不足。研究表明,英语学习对汉语言语表达在语篇层面产生反向概念迁移影响,但英语水平的作用没有达到显著水平,语言环境会影响概念迁移的范围和程度。
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邓巧玲 李福印
关键词 关键词:反向概念迁移词汇化模式运动事件    
Abstract:Abstract: Based on Conceptual Transfer Hypothesis and lexicalization of motion event, this study identifies the reverse conceptual transfer in Chinese EFL learners’ verbalization of motion event in Mandarin Chinese. The results of the study revealed that 1) due to differences in conceptual stores and conceptualization patterns, monolingual Chinese speakers used more path verbs and deictic verbs separately in expressions of path, while English learners used more adverbs to modify manner verbs and resorted to more specific descriptions of manner of motion, and they expressed more ground information such as source, medium and goal; 2) for the foreign language environment, the thinking patterns of all subjects were mainly influenced by Chinese and they seldom packaged source and goal into a clause, descriptions of a physical setting were used to add more information to ground. The findings show that reverse conceptual transfer occurs under the influence of English learning at the discourse level, but English proficiency level is not significantly related to the degree of reverse conceptual transfer effect. Language environment influences the scope and degree of conceptual transfer.
Key wordsKey Words: reverse conceptual transfer    lexicalization patterns    motion event
邓巧玲 李福印. 中国英语学习者汉语运动事件言语表征中的反向概念迁移的实证研究[J]. 外语与外语教学, 2017, 0(01): 73-.
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