摘要摘要:本文基于James R. Martin等人提出的评价理论,从生态语言学视角对评价系统进行诠释,将其整合为包含态度和对话空间两个子系统的分析模型,并以美国总统特朗普宣布退出《巴黎气候协定》的演讲为例,验证其可操作性。研究认为:(1)生态话语分析具有评价属性,分析者需建立系统的生态哲学观以显化其评价标准;(2)科学的生态哲学观应正视评价过程中人的作用,应“以人为本”同时兼顾生物圈的整体利益;(3)评价系统的态度、介入和级差子系统均具有生态价值;(4)此分析框架显示,特朗普演讲充斥大量的破坏性生态话语。本研究旨在为生态语言学领域学者研究评价意义提供可行的分析思路,以期推动该领域的发展。
Abstract:Abstract: Based on the Appraisal Theory proposed by James R. Martin and his associates, this study revisits the Appraisal system from the perspective of Ecolinguistics and hence incorporates it into an analytical framework which consists of two sub-systems, Attitude and Dialogue Space. The speech of U. S. President Trump's announcement of the U.S. exit from the Paris Climate Agreement is then analyzed to illustrate its operatability. The analysis reveals that: 1) Ecological discourse analysis has evaluative attributes, and analysts need to hold a systematic ecological philosophy to set up its evaluation criteria; 2) A scientific ecological philosophical view should justify the role of people in the process of evaluation, and should be both “people-oriented” and consider all the interests of the biosphere; 3) All the subsystems of Appraisal System, i.e. Attitude, Engagement and Graduation, are potential of construing ecological values. 4) The analytical framework shows Trump's speech is filled with a large number of destructive ecological discourses. It is hoped this study could provide a feasible analytical approach for Ecolinguistic researchers so as to push the research forward.
Key words: eco-discourse analysis; Appraisal System; “people-orientedness”; ecological holism