Abstract:Abstract: This study targets three problems in quantifier floating which the classic stranding analysis cannot solve: 1. the quantifier cannot be stranded behind the verb; 2. the floating cannot be triggered by A’ movement; 3. the order of quantifier and DP is strictly constrained. Based on similar relative phenomena in English, French and Hebrew, I hereby propose some new explanations from a Neo-Constructionist perspective: 1. the internal argument is merged above VP, so in passives and unaccusatives where there’s no verb raising, the quantifier is stranded above the verb; 2. the lower DP get its case through case chain, so the case chain can only be broken when the moved DP can get case from movement; 3. English pronouns only have nominative and accusative form, so they need to move to form case chains if they cannot get case from the functional phrase between the two DPs. A part from that, I also propose that the two DPs in stranding analysis should be linked by a DistP, which is meant to distributively divide the lower DP so that the higher D can assign definiteness to it.
Key words: syntax; quantifier floating; Neo-Constructionism; case chain