Philosophical Translations by the Philosopher: Path Exploration on the English Translations of Chinese Philosophical Classics: An Interview with Prof. Roger T. Ames
摘要摘 要:安乐哲(Roger T. Ames)是当代著名哲学家、翻译家,曾任夏威夷大学哲学教授,现任北京大学人文讲席教授、国际儒联副会长。五十余年来,安乐哲致力于中国哲学研究及中国哲学典籍英译工作,成就斐然,为中国哲学对外传播做出了不可磨灭的贡献。然而,安乐哲从中国哲学角度译介中国哲学典籍的策略及方法却因与传统译法大相径庭而屡遭质疑。本访谈围绕安乐哲的哲学家角色身份、哲学创新与贡献、比较哲学方法论、中国哲学典籍英译路径及《中庸》英译合作模式展开讨论,梳理了安乐哲比较哲学方法论的由来,说明了安乐哲从中国哲学角度译介中国哲学典籍的合理性,以期为安乐哲的哲学家译者身份、零售式类比法及中国哲学典籍英译的独特路径正名,为中国哲学典籍英译路径探索、为中华文化“走出去”模式提供借鉴。
Abstract:Abstract: Professor Roger T. Ames is a well-known contemporary philosopher and translator, once the philosophy professor at the University of Hawaii, currently the Peking University Chair Professor of Humanities and vice-president of International Confucian Association. For over 50 years, he has devoted himself to studies of Chinese philosophy and translations of Chinese philosophical classics, making indelible contribution to the introduction of Chinese philosophy to the western world. However, his translation strategies and methods from the perspective of comparative philosophy have come under some criticism on account of stark unconformity with traditional translation approaches. Focusing on the role and contributions of Prof. Ames as a philosopher, his comparative philosophy methodology, translation methods of Chinese philosophical classics as well as cooperation mode in the translation of Focusing the Familiar, this interview attempts to dissolve the misunderstandings on Prof. Ames’ translation strategies and methods, so as to provide certain references for the path of translating Chinese philosophical classics and ways of Chinese culture “going global”.
Key words: Roger T. Ames; Chinese philosophy; English translations of classics; path exploration; Focusing the Familiar